
Buy4me Terms of Use

These terms of use ("Terms”) are provided on behalf of Buy4Me International Inc. and its affiliates ("Buy4me", "we", "us", "our"). By using, including any sub-domain thereof (the "Site"), you signify that you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by these Terms of Use, regardless of whether you are a registered member of the site. If you do not agree to these Terms, please do not use or further access this website.


These Terms are a contract, and contain important information about users’ legal rights, remedies and obligations. By accessing or using any part of the site, which includes without limitation as Shoppers, Travelers or Persons accessing or searching the Buy4me platform (“you”, “Users”), the users are agreeing to the Terms, and incorporated documents.

Introducing Buy4me

Have you moved countries and missing your favorite brands delivered to your place, or need a gadget that’s not launched in your country as yet – Buy4me connects you to travelers that can help you with your needs at a very short notice and a nominal fee. We’ll name you ‘Shoppers’


If you are a traveler (‘Travelers’), Buy4me gives you an opportunity to earn money during your trip. All you need to do is to buy and carry products for Shoppers, which can be easily accommodated in your luggage, and earn money upon successful delivery. This will help you bring smile to the Shoppers while you earn money as rewards. 

Eligibility and Use of the Platform

This Site is intended solely for users who are 18 years of age or older, who can form legally binding contracts under applicable law. By using the Site, you represent you are 18 or older and that you agree to and to abide by all the terms and conditions of these Terms. You will be responsible for maintaining confidentiality of your account, password, and restricting access to your computer, and you hereby accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account and password. 


If you are accessing, browsing, and using the site on someone else’s behalf, you represent that you have the authority to bind that person to all the Terms of Use herein. In the event the person refuses to be bound as the principal to the Terms of Use, you agree to accept liability for any harm caused by any wrongful use of the site resulting from such access or use of the site.


You also acknowledge and agree that Buy4Me is not in the business of offering, selling, purchasing or bringing any items whatsoever, and by accessing Buy4me platform, you receive the ability to access the Shoppers or Travelers without any responsibility of Buy4me to fulfill any commitments on behalf of Shoppers or Travelers. It is solely your responsibility and not Buy4me’s responsibility, which is disclaimed to the maximum extent of law, to be familiar with, to abide by and to comply with all relevant Federal, State, local, and international laws, rules and regulations that may apply to any items posted on Buy4me Site, or to any relationship between Shoppers and Travelers.


While Buy4me may help facilitate disputes, we have no control over and do not guarantee (i) the existence, quality, safety, suitability, or legality of any item displayed on the Site, or arranged between Shoppers and Travelers, (ii) the performance or conduct of any User or third party or (iii) the legality or compliance with laws, rules, regulations, orders and decisions that may be applicable to any relationship between Users or the subject matter thereof. Any reference to a User being "Verified" (or similar language) only indicates that the User has completed a verification or identification process and nothing else.


Changes and Modifications

We reserve the right to modify the platform and underlying features or functionalities, or suspend or terminate part or all of the Buy4me platform without notice to the Users. We may also modify or amend these Terms from time to time without any notice to you.

You understand and agree that you are solely responsible for reviewing these Terms from time to time. By using or accessing the Site, the prevailing version of the Terms as published on the Site will apply to the Users.

Limitation of Liability

You agree that all access and use of the Site and its contents is at your own risk. In no event shall Buy4me be held liable for any damages, including direct or indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, losses or expenses arising in connection with the Site or any linked site or use thereof or inability to use by any party, or in connection with any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus or line or system failure.

Your Account

You will be required to create an account on the Site that uses your email address as your username, and you must create a secure password. You will be required to login in order to access some of our features and services.

You are only eligible to have one account at a time, and are not allowed to transfer your account at any time to another person or entity. If you learn of any unauthorized use of your password or account, please contact us immediately.

If we find a breach or suspected breach of the security of your account, we may require/request you to change your password or suspend your account without any liability to Buy4me. We reserve the right to refuse service and/or terminate accounts without prior notice if the Terms are violated or if we decide, in our sole discretion, that it would be in Buy4me’s best interests to do so. You are solely responsible for all content that you upload, post, email or otherwise transmit via the Site.


You also represent and warrant that you will comply with any and all applicable import and export control laws or customs laws in your local jurisdiction. You also represent and warrant that (i) neither you nor the items posted on the Site are subject to any country's embargo, or that it has been designated by any Government across the globe as a "terrorist supporting" and that (ii) you are not listed on any country's list of prohibited or restricted parties.

Prohibited Conduct

You agree to abide by all applicable laws and regulations in your use of the Site. In addition, you must not, directly or indirectly, do any of the following things or allow anybody else to:

·        Perform any action that violates any of these Terms;

·        Register for an account on behalf of an individual other than yourself or on behalf of any group or entity;

·        Use somebody else’s account to misrepresent yourself, your identity or transactions;

·        Use the Site to advertise or promote products or services that are not expressly approved in advance in writing by us;

·        Violate any federal, state, local, national or international law, or any rule, regulation, tariff or duty, including customs laws or regulations that may apply to you or to your relationship with other Users or to any items posted on Buy4me;

·        Attempt to discover or reverse engineer the source code and other materials forming part of the Site;

·        Use the Site or our products and services in any manner that could damage, disable, overburden or impair the Site;

·        Order or bring items using Buy4me platform, which are prohibited by applicable law at places of origin or destination.



·        The Users understand and agree that Buy4me shall not be liable for the loss of any nature whatsoever including without limitation indirect, consequential, special and/or incidental damages to the Users arising, directly or indirectly, due to decline of authorization for any financial transaction undertaken by the Users through the Site.

·        It is the sole responsibility of the Shoppers and Travelers to be familiar with, to specify, and to include in the offer, any and all applicable customs duties, tariffs, and charges applicable to requested items.

·        Payment-related services on Buy4me platform may contain links to certain third-party websites, applications or services. Any such third-party services are subject to different terms or conditions and privacy practices created or controlled by third party providers and not Buy4me, and Users should review them carefully and independently. Buy4me doesn’t take responsibility for the reliability of any third-party services.

·        Payment processing services are currently provided by Stripe that are subject to the Stripe Connected Account Agreement, which includes the Stripe Services Agreement. You agree to provide Buy4me up-to-date, accurate, and complete information relating to you and your payment instrument(s) and expressly authorize Buy4me to share this information and transaction-related information relating to your use of payment related services with Stripe.

·        The Users agree to comply fully with relevant export, import and customs laws of their respective local countries and jurisdictions, as well of the countries from / to where they order / carry the items agreed through Buy4me platform.

·        By using Buy4me platform, Shoppers and Travelers authorize Buy4me to receive and collect payments for transactions entered into between Users, including cost of the items (with a buffer for covering price fluctuations, if applicable), Buy4me service fees, Traveler's rewards, taxes and other Government regulatory fees (for example, without limitation duties, tariffs or government charges).

·        Payments made by Shoppers to Buy4me in connection with an offer shall be considered the same as a payment made directly to Travelers, and Travelers agree to provide the requested items to Shoppers in the agreed-upon manner as if the Traveler has received payment directly from the Shoppers. Buy4me assumes no liability or obligation for any funds or obligations owed by Shoppers that were not collected by Buy4me.

·        Once the agreed funds are transferred by Shoppers to Buy4me, Buy4me will be responsible for transferring the agreed amount to the traveler after deducting necessary fees and expenses as agreed with the Users.

Prohibited Items

Shoppers and Travelers undertake not to use Buy4me platform to request or bring any item that is prohibited under the laws of Buyer’s / Traveler’s jurisdictions, or under any international laws or jurisdictions. Shoppers and Travelers (and not Buy4me) take complete responsibility to refrain from requesting or bringing any item that is prohibited either by the jurisdiction of disembarkation, transit or embarkation.

Prohibited items include, but are not limited, to:

·        Any item that is prohibited by law in the place of origin, destination or any jurisdiction of transit through between origin and destination

·        Hazardous materials

·        Firearms, ammunition, explosives, chemicals, knives, swords, batons or other weapons

·        Aerosols or any flammable materials

·        Illegal drugs or regulated drugs (prescription) in violation of law

·        Herbal/natural products such as tobacco, poppy/opium seeds/powder, betel leaves that are addictive or considered illegal

·        Any product or item related to illegal activities, such as the production of illegal drugs

·        Alcohol

·        Pirated content

·        Counterfeit goods and Currency

·        Gambling tools and machines

·        Stolen property

·        Live animals

·        Human remains

·        Pornography or obscene materials

·        Batteries

·        Plants and prohibited agricultural products

·        Items imported into any country without a customs declaration where one was required.

Transaction Breakdown


Every order placed on Buy4me Site comprises of certain cost elements, breakdown of which is indicated in Buyer’s request. When accepted, the Traveler's offer establishes the final and total amounts to which the Buyer agrees.


·        Item cost: The Buyer indicates the approximate price of requested product, along with the applicable taxes, duties, etc. While making an offer, the Traveler may specify a different amount covering the difference in actual price vis a vis price specified by the Buyer, as well as any additional taxes, duties, or charges that may be applicable on the requested item.

·        Payment Processing Charges: Buy4me uses Stripe as payment gateway for ensuring seamless transfer of money from Shoppers to Travelers, as well as acting as limited payment collection agent. Accordingly, applicable payment processing charges are levied on the Shoppers, which are displayed separately while Shoppers are placing requests on Buy4me.

·        Traveler's Reward: In order to compensate the Traveler for buying and carrying the requested items, Traveler's Reward is the amount Buyer agrees to give to the Traveler. While Buy4me will work out an indicate Traveler's Reward based on the price of the requested item, the Traveler will have an option to ask for a different amount as Traveler’s reward, which the Buyer may opt to accept or reject.

·        Platform Fee: For using Buy4me platform, there will be a non-refundable fee charged by Buy4me to the Shoppers upon completion of the transaction. Buy4me will collect the Platform fees from the Shoppers as part of the total transaction amount, and release the transaction amount to the Travelers net of the Platform fee.

Traveler is expected to be aware of all taxes, government fees, duties and tariffs before accepting any request from the Shoppers , and it is the responsibility of the Traveler to disclose all such charges while making an offer to the Buyer. Any undisclosed fee will be on Traveler’s account unless the Buyer agrees to pay the same in good faith. 

Handing over the Requested Item

·        It is the responsibility of Buyer and Traveler to agree on a time and place where Traveler will hand over the requested item to the Buyer. Buy4me provides a platform to connect Shoppers and Travelers online, and does not take any responsibility with regards to exchange of items between the Travelers and Shoppers.

·        At the time of exchange, it is the responsibility of the Buyer to thoroughly check the requested item and ensure that it is in acceptable condition, as well as it matches the description provided on Buy4me platform.

·        Once the item is accepted by the Buyer, the Buyer will complete the order on Buy4me and the transaction amount, net of Payment Charges, Platform fee and any other applicable charges, will be transferred by Buy4me to the Traveler. To ensure timely payment for the requested item, the Traveler must ensure that the Buyer completes the acceptance on Buy4me while physically accepting the item.

·        In case of pending acceptance of any item for 15 days after the agreed handover date between the Traveler and Buyer, Buy4me will assume that the item has not been delivered to the Buyer and accordingly the associated amount will be refunded back to the Buyer post deduction of necessary payment charges. Hence, to ensure payment of the purchased items, the Travelers are encouraged to make certain that the Buyer completes the acceptance on Buy4me as soon as the item is handed over from Traveler to the Buyer.

·        In case the actual item is different from the description provided by the Buyer on Buy4me, or if the condition of the item differs from what’s usually considered a ‘new item’, the Buyer may opt not the accept the item from the Traveler, in which case all the transaction expenses will be borne by the Traveler, and the amount transferred by the Buyer on Buy4me platform will be refunded after deducting necessary payment processing charges.

·        However, if the actual item matches the description provided on Buy4me, the Buyer will be obligated to accept the item and the transaction amount, net of Payment Charges, Platform fee and any other applicable charges, will be transferred by Buy4me to the Traveler.

·        Buy4me, in its sole discretion, may determine whether the reason for rejection is acceptable under applicable policies. If Buy4me doesn’t agree with the reason for rejection, Shoppers agree that Buy4me can transfer the transaction amount, net of Payment Charges, Platform fee and any other applicable charges, to the Traveler.

·        Shoppers are encouraged to provide clear description of the required item while placing a request, preferably with clear pictures, color, size and dimensions of the same to avoid any conflict with the Traveler.

Order Cancellations

·        Shoppers may choose to cancel the orders on the platform till the time the order is not accepted by any Traveler. Once the order is agreed between a Buyer and Traveler, the Buyer will not have an option to cancel the order.

·        Buy4me, in its sole discretion, can cancel the order placed on the platform based on a number of factors, including violations of our Terms of Use, or general misconduct and improper usage of Buy4me platform.


The Users agree to indemnify and hold Buy4me, its affiliates, subsidiaries, investors, directors, employees and agents, harmless from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, losses, injuries, and expenses, including without limitation reasonable legal and professional fees, arising out of or in any way connected with Users’ access to Buy4me platform or Users’ interaction with any other parties on the platform.